Be a part of something that'll light up your entrepreneurial spirit!

Earn $450!

We'll give you up to $450 to kickstart your own business idea! How cool is that?

Fun and Relevant

The training sessions aren't boring lecturesā€”they're fun, interactive, and full of stuff you'll actually use!

Dream Team

You'll have awesomeĀ coaches and friends cheering you on every step of the way!


You'll meet local business owners and check out all the cool resources availableĀ to you!

An innovative INTRO-TO-ENTREPRENEURSHIP program for the region!

The Student Summer Ventures program is a targeted and interactive program for youth in grades 6-12 to introduce them to entrepreneurship.

The program will inspire, challenge, educate, and empower youth to become the next generation of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Thanks to our program sponsors, this collaborative program is supporting innovation and entrepreneurship,Ā aiming to create a lasting impact on youth in the community.


Thank you to all of our Applicants!

Powered by The YOU Power Project

Since 2021, The YOU Power Project has been building virtual youth empowerment programming on a mission to inspire, empower and equip the next generation of thought-leaders and change-makers. Founded in Collingwood, they are also a representation of the vibrant, thriving entrepreneurial community we have in Simcoe County and beyond!